If you follow us on social media, then you’ll know that this month’s Crate of 8 is collaboration between Nipa Brew and The Professor’s Brew. But hold on, who really is the man behind the brand? How did he go from the pursuit of science, to understanding the mysteries of beer? Read on below to find out the full story.
The Professor’s Brew is made with a lot of creativity and A WHOLE LOT MORE of science. Bridging the ingenuity of brewing and the complexity of chemistry is none other than Carlo Ng, or as we like to call him, The Professor.
The Professor has been holding class in Chemistry at De La Salle University for quite some time now, hence the brand name, “The Professor’s Brew.” He graduated from BS Chemistry back in 2009, and got his Masters’ degree in Chemistry last 2014. While teaching a few classes in the university, he is currently doing his second Masters’ degree and making, and of course drinking, his own craft beer.
Carlo first got into craft beer in 2011 when he noticed that beers can have different, extraordinary flavors. Being used to drinking commercial beers, the varying craft beer styles and flavors got him “interested in the science behind brewing and the chemical complexities of the flavor component”. His scientific curiosity led him to experimenting on his first batch of Pale Ale in 2015 – which came out overwhelmingly bitter. This setback didn’t stop him though, and he kept brewing and developing his own recipes, in the name of science. Today, his signature beers include Chocolate Chili Porter, Ginger Blonde Ale, and Golden Stout. While his signature brews are accessible for a very select few people, he finally released Hop Flask to for public consumption– a golden and hoppy IPA full of citrusy and piney notes.
Interested to try the results of his experiments? Try some of The Professor’s Brew here when you order a Crate of 8: Collab Pack. Click
here to order!